“Artificial Intelligence Summit ’24”, organized in cooperation with BTK Academy, Google and Entrepreneurship Foundation, was held at the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK).
At the summit, the future of artificial intelligence, sectoral applications and innovative solutions were discussed.
In his speech here, Sayan said that although artificial intelligence has become visible in the last 15-20 years, its foundations date back much further.
Pointing out that according to a study, the data produced by humanity last year alone was 100 zettabytes, Sayan said, “This year it is expected to be 150 zettabytes. Zettabyte is a unit of measurement with 22 zeros. Considering the world population as 8 billion, there are libraries of data per person. Artificial intelligence, “It is a power that will incredibly shorten, accelerate and increase this journey from data to wisdom,” he said.
Sayan stated that Chat GPT, one of the most popular applications, reached 1 million users in 5 days, which is a record, and continued his words as follows:
“Artificial intelligence-based technologies will turn into a 16 trillion dollar cake worldwide by 2030, this figure is 14 times our country’s GNP in 2023. Scientists think that artificial intelligence is still very primitive today. The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is consciousness at or above human level.” The most current estimate on this subject is that there is a 50 percent chance of reaching human-like artificial intelligence within two years. The parameters used by artificial intelligence are increasing, making it smarter every moment.
BTK President Ömer Abdullah Karagözoğlu also stated that the global artificial intelligence sector is growing rapidly and said, “In Oxford Insight’s 2023 Government Artificial Intelligence Index, Turkey ranks 47th among 193 countries and 2nd among South and Central Asian countries.” he said.
Explaining that the rapid advancement of technology affects every aspect of life and brings with it new security risks, Karagözoğlu said that artificial intelligence and cyber security have become two basic elements that integrate with each other.
Karagözoğlu stated that, as an institution, they prefer local and national solutions in cyber security and said:
“Artificial intelligence-supported software such as AVCI, AZAD, KASIRGA and ATMACA used in our National Cyber Incident Response Center (USOM) successfully carry out real-time threat monitoring and response processes. This year, USOM detected and intervened in more than 97 thousand malicious links and 12 These studies have informed relevant institutions with over a thousand cyber security notifications, making Turkey a ‘role model’ country in the ITU Global Cyber Security Index and 100 full. “He wrote a success story with many points.”
At the summit, awards were presented to the participants who were successful in the datathon and hackathon competitions.