Italy prevented Chinese Artificial Intelligence from Deepseek’s application

Italy prevented Chinese Artificial Intelligence from Deepseek’s application

By admin, Şubat 1, 2025

Italy prevented Chinese Artificial Intelligence from Deepseek’s application

Italy prevented Chinese Artificial Intelligence from Deepseek's application

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Personal Data Protection Institution in Italy (GPDP), Chinese artificial intelligence application due to lack of information about the use of personal data He brought an obstacle to Deepseek.

One day after GPDP requests information from Deepseek about the use of personal data, the application Access from Apple and Google application stores in Italy were blocked.

In a statement, “The decision taken to protect the data of Italian users was put into force after the information received from Chinese companies providing chatbot service to Deepseek. The expression was used. Apart from preventing access Deepseek was also an investigation.

Access barrier was also brought to chatgpt

GPDP, OpenUNN ChatGPT In March 2023, he launched an investigation in March 2023 on suspicion of violating the rules of collecting personal data to the artificial intelligence practice, and then temporarily stopped access. After Openal committed to protecting the privacy of CATGPT users and paying more attention to user rights, the access barrier was removed in April 2023.

Chinese artificial intelligence attempt Deepseek, with much lower cost With a model of artificial intelligence, such as Chatgpt, western intelligence, which is similar to Western competitors, marked the world of technology. Deepseek, which is at the top of Apple’s application store, Large decreases in the shares of technology giants caused him to live.

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