New features are coming to social media platform X. Billionaire businessman Elon Musk, the owner of the platform, stated in his statement on his X account that they want to bring informative and entertaining content to the fore.
“Algorithm adjustment to promote more informative/entertaining content is coming soon. Our goal is to maximize no-regret user seconds. There’s a lot of negativity being spread, which technically increases user time, but doesn’t increase no-regret user time,” Musk said.
Noting that they are working on an update regarding the content flow on the platform, Musk said, “We are also working on easy ways that allow you to dynamically adjust the content flow, so you can have what you want whenever you want.”
Since the first hours of the new year, violent incidents took place in different parts of the USA, and these images spread all over the world within minutes via ‘X’.
An attacker plowed his car into the crowd during the New Year celebrations in New Orleans, USA, causing the death of 14 people and injuring 35 people.
Not long after this attack, Tesla’s Cybertruck model pickup truck exploded in front of the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas, USA, and the driver died and seven people were injured in the explosion.
After purchasing Twitter for 44 billion dollars, Elon Musk removed the long-known blue bird logo of the application and changed the name of the platform to X.