1000 hours of energy will be stored in abandoned oil well

1000 hours of energy will be stored in abandoned oil well

Concentrated solar energy While it is abundant in summer, it is quite rare in winter or during cloudy times. The best solution to solve this problem is to have a huge storage volume. Why shouldn’t this volume be an old oil field?

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One of the best methods of obtaining energy from solar energy is concentrated solar energy. In parabolic solar power plants, the energy of the sun is transferred to the oil in a pipe passing through the middle section of a parabolic mirror. Up to approximately 370 °C heated oil Up to 80% of solar energy can be converted into heat. The oil heated in this way is then transferred to water and injected into an area formerly used for oil production. Then the water that transfers its energy is drawn from other wells.

1000 hours of energy will be stored in abandoned oil well

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Another solution used so far is to reflect the solar energy falling on the land with mirrors on a giant tower. Salt in this tower up to 600 °C It is heated, some of it is used and the excess is stored in tanks. Thanks to these tanks, solar power plants can operate non-stop, 24 hours a day, day and night. However, the construction work of the hundreds-of-meter tower, tanks and giant moving mirrors can make the project extremely costly, and the system may not work during long periods of sunless periods.

Solar energy will be stored in disused oil wells

As a solution to this American National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) recommends storage in obsolete oil wells. Since these wells reach very deep and porous rocks, it is possible to pump extremely hot heated water under pressure into the oil well and collect it back from another well as it has cooled.

In this way, there is no need for giant warehouses, giant towers, or giant mirrors that constantly follow the sun. It is sufficient to heat it up to 370 °C with parabolic solar heat collectors and send it through the injection well in an old field. After this high temperature water under the ground, it rises to 160 °C and when necessary, energy is drawn from the production well and electricity is produced from it. Even if the difference between the electricity supplied and the electrical energy received in this system is 43%, the cost of storing the electricity is only 0,11 dolar cent. In short, a lot of electricity is lost, but since the initial investment is very low, the system remains relatively cheaper than chemical batteries throughout its life.

1000 hours of energy will be stored in abandoned oil well

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It is planned to establish a facility on an area of ​​200 thousand m2 with 24 production, 7 injection and 3 monitor wells in an abandoned oil field in California. More than 1000 hours of storage will be possible in the system, which will have a total power of 400 MW. The stored capacity corresponds to a huge amount of 200 GWh. The system will be able to produce electricity 24/7 at any time, but its main purpose will be to thermally store the extra energy it produces in the summer underground and use it to obtain the same power during the difficult days of winter.

The total cost of the system is expected to be $1.8 Billion, and the system is actually designed to replace fossil-based natural gas cycle power plants in the evening hours, when the most electricity is used, which is when it is at its highest price, or when prices are high.




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